pp108 : Independent Subprocess Properties Interface

Independent Subprocess Properties Interface

This topic describes the fields on the Sub-process Properties pane.

Table 1. Fields on the General Tab

Field Description
Description A description of the sub-process.
Font Size Allows the user to decrease or increase the font size of the text within the activity. The default font size is 12.
Sub Process

Select Static Value or Read From Message value to the independent sub-process. The Independent Sub-process to be executed is read from the message that is defined in the Read From Message field. When you select Read From Message, set the XPath of the message containing the sub-process name.

Note: If you selected the Read From Message option, ensure to provide the exact path of the sub-process. If you typed the name of the sub-process or do not provide the exact path, the sub-process will not be invoked if it is created within a folder in the CWS project. Only the sub-processes that are not created within a folder will be invoked in such scenarios. Alternatively, use the Static Value option and select the appropriate process name from the list that is displayed.

Instance ID

The process model is instantiated with the defined identifier only if this field includes the defined identifier in the XPath of the message. Also, ensure that the defined identifier is unique.

Instantiation Source Select Same as Main Process to display the instantiation source for the linked business process or select Other to indicate that the instantiation source for the linked business process is not the same as its main process.
Execution Priority

Select one the following options to set an execution priority for the linked business process:

  • Same as Main Process - Priority is same as defined in the main process.
  • Same as Sub Process - Priority is same as defined in the linked business process.
  • Other - To specify the execution priority that is different to the main process and the subprocess, select one of the following:
    • Static - You can select any one of the priority levels: Highest, High, Normal, Low, and Lowest.
    • Read from message - If you want to dynamically set the execution priority.

      Note: If the Read from Message is selected and an invalid value is provided, then the priority of the parent process will be considered; value will be considered invalid, if it is either empty, non-numeric, or contains a value less than 1 or greater than 5.

Wait until Sub Process is Finished If you select this check box, the main process will wait till the sub-process sends the expected output message or indicates that the next activity in the main process can start processing. If you clear this check box, the main process will start the sub-process and continue with the next activity. The main process can synchronize with the sub-process by receiving a message through the Receive Message event. In the sub-process, a Send Message Activity or end Event can send this message or communication to the main process.
Note: This option is disabled if the sub-process is a short-lived process.
Execute Condition

The Execute Condition can be of types - None, Static Value or Read From Message. Select the Static Value option to specify the actual condition for execution. Select the Read From Message option to read the condition from the XPath of the message. You can build a condition by clicking the XPath editor icon ( ) appearing at the end of this field.

  • Ensure that the Read From Message condition which is taken from the Message Map does not start with a slash.
  • If a message contains an XPath expression, then the XPath need not be in single quotes. For example, if the message is /mycondition and it contains an expression as follows: GetEmployeeOutput/GetEmployeeResponse/tuple/old/Employees/City = "London".
  • If the specified execute condition is satisfied, the activity is executed otherwise, it is skipped.
    In a sub-process construct, the Execute Condition option can be used instead of the Decision construct. Thus, you do not need to explicitly model a decision construct when only one path from the Decision construct leads to an activity. You can view the decision icon on the left bottom corner of the construct indicating that the activity includes a condition for execution.
Execution User Type Select the Current User or Process Instantiation User for the selected activity.For each instance of a process, there can be either a Current User or a Process Instantiation User. The Process Instantiation User can trigger the process while the Current User is the one who is currently logged on.